A Focus on Ferns ~ details now added!

Date: 25-Aug-2019 10:30am
Contact:Jen Bousfield email: jenbousfield@gmail.com
Event Leader:Mary Atkinson

Trenute Barns nearer to Trebullett but along the road to Lezant. Post code is PL15 9QB and the map ref: SX330784.


We are invited to Sheila’s small holding near Trebullett in Lezant Parish to learn more about ferns under the tutor-ship of Mary Atkinson.

Coffee etc & a bit o’ cake then the plan is to start with the basics, looking at examples that Mary will bring. As with the grasses, there is another new set of descriptive terms to learn. And then either before or after lunch, we’ll go off to explore to see what we can find ‘in the field’. We will not be walking that far but good boots & thorn-proof clothing is advised and a walking stick because the ground is un-even and steep in places.

Please book  with Jen B to let us know how many are attending. Bring a packed lunch. We will finish by about 3pm at the latest depending on the weather.

Equipment & Booking:

*For all our outdoor events, please dress for the weather, walking boots recommended, sometimes wellies are necessary. Always useful to bring notebook, camera/phone, binoculars, drink & a snack. Specific requirements are listed in event details.