Botanical Walk around St.Neot (BCG)

Date: 14-Aug-2019 9:30am
Contact:Ian Bennallick email: mob: 07714 738189
Event Leader:Ian Bennallick

Meet in the lay-by north of Berry Down gate at SX19326869

Another of Ian’s walks to gather more species records, this time on the heath & moorland around St. Neot, a little out of our area but an interesting place. A chance to learn some new plants in good company! And, as I always say, we record anything of interest, not just plants.

Meet at 9:30 ready to leave by 10am. We usually finish by about 4pm but bring a packed lunch if you want to stay all day.

Equipment & Booking:

*For all our outdoor events, please dress for the weather, walking boots recommended, sometimes wellies are necessary. Always useful to bring notebook, camera/phone, binoculars, drink & a snack. Specific requirements are listed in event details.