Plants at Greena Moor (BCG)

Date: 23-Jun-2019 9:30am
Contact:Ian Bennallick email:
Event Leader:Ian Bennallick

Meet at the entrance to the reserve entrance, SW of Week St. Mary at SX234963 at 9:30am for a 10am start. Parking is rather limited.

Whorled Caraway stemsAfter all the survey work for operation hedgehog, this is a chance to visit this protected area of Culm grassland with the Botanical Cornwall Group. The reserve contains many special plants associated with the Culm measures, a rather precious type of habitat that has been lost from large areas of north Cornwall and Devon as farming methods changed.

Need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink. The site is relatively level but tussocky and wet after recent rain. Very open.

Equipment & Booking:

*For all our outdoor events, please dress for the weather, walking boots recommended, sometimes wellies are necessary. Always useful to bring notebook, camera/phone, binoculars, drink & a snack. Specific requirements are listed in event details.

Insect repellent and sun cream might be useful!