Talk & presentation on ‘Bird Migration through Cornwall’

Date: 28-Feb-2020 7:00pm
Contact:Jen Bousfield email:
Event Leader:Simon Taylor (BTO)

North Hill Village Hall PL15 7PA which is just off the B3254 and halfway between Launceston and Liskeard. The hall is next to the playing field just after or before the church.

All are welcome to join us and Simon Taylor, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) regional rep for Cornwall, who will be talking about the common species that spend their summers in our county. “Where do these birds come from, when do they arrive & depart? Questions which we are only now getting some answers for.”    BTO – Our vision is a world inspired by birds, informed by science.

Admission £3.50 to include a donation to the BTO. 7 for 7.15pm start. There’ll be refreshments…

Poster as pdf to download: Poster for Bird Migration talk


Equipment & Booking:

*For all our outdoor events, please dress for the weather, walking boots recommended, sometimes wellies are necessary. Always useful to bring notebook, camera/phone, binoculars, drink & a snack. Specific requirements are listed in event details.